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Public Comment at Sheridan County Board of Commissioners General Meeting on Tuesday,December 5, 2023

Offered by Harry Pollak, resident of Sheridan for publication.

Sheridan County Board of Commissioners General Meeting

Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 9AM

Public Comment


Please identify the state statute that says, when a duly elected body has a public meeting where public comments are allowed on matters NOT on the agenda?

I have a 1st amendment right to be heard with ANY public comment to speak on within the allotted time period if a time period exists!

How can you know what is the heart and minds of the people if you’re refusing them to be heard on matters that you will be voting on?

As an example, that contradicts this bodies policy regarding public comments, you may want to familiarize yourselves with Wyoming State statute 18-3-525 (C) (iii) of public comments and matters ON the agenda.



Madam Chair, Commissioners, my name is Harry Pollak, resident of Sheridan.

The interactions that I have had with many of the County employees has been what I would categorize as pleasant, informative, and helpful. If the County was a private sector entity, I would have no problem doling out bonuses to every county employee with out hesitation, because in my experience they deserve it. However, the county is not private and therefore, it would be fiscally irresponsible to provide the well-deserved bonuses from funds directly from taxpayers for vacant position’s you’ve decided mid-year you were not going to fill. In stead give the earmarked wages to county employees, this makes no logical sense. If these employees are feeling over worked and under paid it’s due to the fact you are not filling the vacant positions.

People come to work for the county not for the great salary or hourly wage but for the benefits, the retirement, the many paid days off both for personal and holidays, great working environment and the perks when available.

Candidates who want better pay, less benefits, sometimes not so great work environments and lousy retirement if available go to work for the private sector. Where those companies can afford to pay out huge bonuses because of profits from previous quarters. YOU ARE NOT THE PRIVATE SECTOR and you have a fiduciary to your constituents to be fiscally responsible.

That money belongs to the struggling taxpayers and should be returned to them since there is no intent to fill any vacant positions the remainder of this fiscal year. That said, there would be no need to budget for the vacant positions of the next fiscal year, which in return would be some greatly need tax relief to the already struggling taxpayers!

By voting to approve these employee bonuses, I’d like it placed on the record, you become derelict in your duty as commissioners, a fine of $750 for each offense and it should be grounds for immediate removal from office.

Thank you for allowing my voice to be heard

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Unknown member
Dec 07, 2023

I noticed that the wording of this proposal says that it is a One-Time Staff Appreciation Bonus. Nothing could be more opposite in wording to the true reality of an open door. This sets a precedent that can and will be used in the future. The County Commissioners have opened the door for future arguments by county department bureaucrats. The other point I want to make is that by setting this precedent, the County Commissioners now have another option for ducking fiscal responsibility. They no longer need to lower the budget for salaries of county employees. The excess is now a “slush fund“. I will get off my soap box with this:

Every one of those County Commissioners consider themselves…


Unknown member
Dec 05, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Yes. That is the overall frustration with government, in general. In good times, it expands. In bad times, it expands or holds its own. This is obviously not the case in the private sector. This is a tougher Christmas for private citizens. Its just not a good look for government. I can maybe see it for the very worst paid of the workers in maintenance, janitorial services, etc.


Unknown member
Dec 05, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

The County Commissioner's need to be held accountable!


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