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Weasel in the Chicken Coop

There is something about politics and power that brings out the worst in people. This primary season has been evident of that. We've had mean mailings from the Liz Cheney-funded Americans For Prosperity, we've had lies spread by the left-leaning Wyoming Caucus, and we've had local candidates claiming to be conservatives and "Republicans" who haven't bothered to attend any Republican Party function in the last four years, have their own non-Republican booth at Third Thursday, and refuse to put campaign materials in the Sheridan County Republican HQ.

Yet these people demand you vote for them because they are your betters.

This week, a new low was established by the people who claim to be "republicans" but refuse to associate with the Sheridan County Republican Party.

You likely received a postcard mailer from the "Committee for Better Sheridan County Leadership." This group is spearheaded by Sheridan City Councilman and real estate maven, Terry Weitzel of 579 Creek Drive. I suppose you could mistakenly think that Mr. Weitzel is advocating for better leadership at the County Commissioner level, but, no, Mr. Weitzel is very supportive of elected officials who cannot follow state statute. What he is advocating is a change in leadership for the Sheridan County Republican Party.

Mr. Weitzel's hatred of the elected leadership of the County Republican Party colors his own ability to lead. Leadership is a noble, self-sacrificing endeavor, not a slipshod, last-minute, negative mailer filled with mistruths and errors. Hate will do that to weak people.

Let's break down the lies. First of all, yes, the SCGOP did sue the Board of County Commissioners after District Court Judge Darci Phillips found that the BOCC "failed to fulfill their duty per state statute." The 104 elected representatives of the SCGOP, of which Mr. Weitzel is one, voted overwhelmingly, twice, to go forward with the lawsuit. If the BOCC had followed state statute, the county would not have spent $84,000 in taxpayer money. It was the choice of the BOCC to spend that money.

The lawsuit was funded at party level by donations from individuals. It was NOT hard-earned party money spent on attorneys [sic], and it was NOT irresponsible (see Judge Phillips ruling). The BOCC broke the law. Apparently, Mr. Weitzel is okay with breaking the law. What a great quality for a leader!

Then there is this mysterious "tie" to the Freedom Caucus. Do you know that there are no Freedom Caucus members in Sheridan County? Yet according to Mr. Weitzel, these non-existent people control the SCGOP. We'd love to know who they are as we're always looking for volunteers to man the HQ during election season.

Lastly, Mr. Weitzel and his gang of donors have no clue how to do a mailing. They are advocating an overthrow of the County Republican Party by ILLEGALLY using the trademarked Republican Party logo. The State GOP and the RNC are unhappy with them and are now pursuing legal action against Mr. Weitzel and his donors. Bet the donors didn't sign up for that when they followed their leader.

Letter sent to Mr. Weitzel and other "better leaders" below:

In summary, according to Mr. Weitzel and gang, Better Leadership(TM) means the following:

  • Lie about what has happened

  • Support people who break the law

  • Slander people and the Party by claiming things about them that aren't true

  • Violate copyrights and trademarks owned by others

Mr. Weitzel is the wrong leader for Sheridan County and is abusing his position as a City Councilman and a Precinct Committeeman. But, hey, he'll buy the chickens a beer if they promise to vote the way he wants.

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19 ago

So, are we to understand that a group claiming the mantle of "Republicans" is opposed to the following: "... upholding open, accountable, and limited governments, as well as the Wyoming and United States Constitutions, the rule of law, and legislation that promotes the liberty, safety, and prosperity of all Wyoming and American citizens. The caucus is committed to defending the inalienable rights of all Americans." Do we have that right? RINOs would be opposed to that. However, these things are in lockstep with our party platform, so can they truly claim to be Republicans that oppose the very things the party stands for? Last question: What's wrong with freedom?

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